Cover the World in Prayer
What is Prayer.Global?
Simply put, Prayer.Global is a digital tool for facilitating strategic, Scripture-based prayer for the world. Prayer.Global seeks to encourage extraordinary prayer for the fulfillment of the Great commission using technology.
Prayer.Global has broken the world down into 4,770 “states” based on geographical and governmental boundaries. When you access the site and click Start Praying, you will initiate a one-minute timer and then will be given a state to pray for. Each state prayer prompt incudes demographic information about the area, its religious makeup, images and Scripture-based prayer prompts. Once you have prayed for that area, you can choose “next” and be given another prayer area, or you may finish your prayer time.
With this digital resource, you will be saying prayers you never said before, praying for people you never knew existed, and you and this world will be changed!
Join us as we Pray for the World on Sunday, January 21.
Bring your phone or tablet with you on Sunday, January 21, so you can pray along as we make a lap around the world!
Scan the QR code with your phone camera and it will take you to our prayer relay.
Frequently Asked Questions…
What is a state?
States, counties, provinces, parishes, etc. - there is no completely consistent way to name geographical regions within countries. Prayer.Global uses geographical, diplomatic and governmental boundaries to divide the world’s 195 countries into 4,770 states.
What do the icons mean?
As you navigate through a prayer prompt, you will see people icons in a variety of colors. Red represents unbelievers; yellow represents nominal cultural Christians, and green represents believers.
Am I just praying for unreached people groups?
No, the 4,770 states represent all countries and people groups in the world. At the bottom of the prayer prompt, you will see a highlight from an unreached people group who lives in that area, this includes people groups who have immigrated or are currently living as refugees in that area.
Where is the faith status data coming from?
The Prayer.Global website uses information from The Joshua Project to build their database.